Viral Transmission Model

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import datetime

import scipy.optimize as spo
import scipy.integrate as spi

Data Preprocessing

The dataset we will be using is the Global Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data (Corona Data Scraper) provided by Enigma.

AWS product link Corona Data Scraper page

We are only interested in the state-level data in United States. To save time from opening a super large dataset, we save each state's data into small files.

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv("datasets/timeseries.csv")
df_US = df[(df["country"]=="United States") & (df["level"]=="state")]
df_US = df_US[["state", "population", "cases", "deaths", "recovered", "tested", "hospitalized", "date"]]
/Users/xinyi/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (5) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)
In [3]:
states = np.unique(df_US["state"])
for state in states:
    df_US[df_US["state"]==state].to_csv("datasets/timeseries_states/"+state+".csv", index=0)

State Data Snapshot

In [4]:
def chooseState(state, output=True):
    df_state = pd.read_csv("datasets/timeseries_states/"+state+".csv")
    ### data cleaning
    # some col is missing in some state's report
    na_cols = []
    for col in df_state.columns.values:
        if df_state[col].isna().all():
    for col in na_cols:
        df_state = df_state.drop(col, axis=1)

    # some data is missing at the beginning of the outbreak
    suggest_startdate = df_state.iloc[0]["date"]
    for i in range(len(df_state.index)):
        if df_state.iloc[i].notna().all():
            suggest_startdate = df_state.iloc[i]["date"]
    # regulate the data
    df_state = df_state.fillna(0)
    df_state["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df_state["date"])

    if output:
        ### snapshot and mark data inconsistency
        for line, style in [ ("cases", "-b"), ("deaths", "-k"), ("recovered", "-g")]:
            if line in df_state.columns.values:
                plt.plot(df_state[line], style, label=line)
                for i in range(1, len(df_state.index)):
                    if abs(df_state[line][i] - df_state[line][i-1]) > (max(df_state[line]) - min(df_state[line])) / 6:
                        plt.plot(i, df_state[line][i], "xr")
        ### print out data-cleaning message
        if na_cols == []:
            print("Data complete, ready to analyze.")
            print("Data incomplete, cannot analyze.")
            print("NA cols: ", na_cols)
        print("Suggest choosing start date after", suggest_startdate)
    ### discard the outliers
    for line in [ "cases", "deaths", "recovered", "hospitalized"]:
        if line in df_state.columns.values:
            col_idx = list(df_state.columns).index(line)
            for i in range(1, len(df_state.index)-1):
                if (df_state.iloc[i, col_idx] - df_state.iloc[i-1, col_idx]) * (df_state.iloc[i+1, col_idx] - df_state.iloc[i, col_idx]) < -((max(df_state[line]) - min(df_state[line])) /4)**2:
                    df_state.iloc[i, col_idx] = (df_state.iloc[i-1, col_idx] + df_state.iloc[i+1, col_idx]) / 2
                    if output:
                        plt.plot(i, df_state[line][i], "or")
    return df_state, na_cols, suggest_startdate

For example, we are interested in New York state.

In [5]:
state = "New York"
df_state, _, _ = chooseState(state)
Data complete, ready to analyze.
Suggest choosing start date after 2020-03-27
state population cases deaths recovered tested hospitalized date
47 New York 19453561 216.0 1.0 0.0 308.0 0.0 2020-03-11
63 New York 19453561 44635.0 519.0 2045.0 145753.0 8732.0 2020-03-27
65 New York 19453561 59513.0 965.0 3572.0 172360.0 12695.0 2020-03-29
70 New York 19453561 102863.0 2935.0 8886.0 260520.0 26210.0 2020-04-03
92 New York 19453561 282143.0 16599.0 47935.0 777568.0 72444.0 2020-04-25

For example, we are interested in the first two weeks in April.

In [6]:
def chooseTime(df_state, start_date, end_date):
    start = np.datetime64(start_date)
    end = np.datetime64(end_date)
    # The time period of interest 
    sample = df_state[ (df_state["date"] >= start) & (df_state["date"] <= end) ]
    # The future period to determine "exposed"
    sample_future = df_state[ (df_state["date"] >= start + np.timedelta64(14,'D')) & (df_state["date"] <= end + np.timedelta64(14,'D')) ]

    return sample, sample_future
In [7]:
start_date, end_date = "2020-04-01", "2020-04-14"
sample, sample_future = chooseTime(df_state, start_date, end_date)
In [ ]:

SEIR Infection Model


We can use an SEIR model to describe the transmission dynamics of Covid19 as above.

We Assume...

  • Susceptible (S): healthy people, will be infected and turn into E after close contact with E or Q.
  • Exposed (E): infected but have no symptoms yet, infectious with a rate of $\lambda$. E will turn into I after the virus incubation period, which is 14 days on average. So we assume $\sigma = 1/14$, dE/dt (t) = dI/dt (t+14).
  • Infectious (I): infected and have symptoms. We will take the data of test_positive or cases_reported as the data of I. The severe cases will be hospitalized (H), the mild cases will be in self quarantine (Q). I may recover or die after some time.
    • Self Quarantine (Q): have symptoms, may still have some contact with others, thus infectious with a different rate of $c\lambda$ ($0 \le c \le 1$). We also assume $Q = kI$, where $k = 1 - avg(\frac{\Delta hospitalized}{\Delta test\_pos}) $
    • Hospitalized (H): have symptoms, kept in hospitals, assume no contact with S.
  • Recovered (R): recovered and immune, may turn into S again (immunity lost or virus not cleared)
  • Dead (X): dead unfortunately :(

Therefore, we have a set of differential equations to describe this process:

$\begin{aligned} &\frac{dS}{dt}& &=& - \lambda \frac{S}{N} E - c\lambda \frac{S}{N} Q + \alpha R ~~~ &=& - \lambda \frac{S}{N} E - c\lambda \frac{S}{N} kI + \alpha R \\ &\frac{dE}{dt}& &=& \lambda \frac{S}{N} E + c\lambda \frac{S}{N} Q - \sigma E ~~~ &=& \lambda \frac{S}{N} E + c\lambda \frac{S}{N} kI - \sigma E \\ &\frac{dI}{dt}& &=& \sigma E - \mu I - \omega I \\ &\frac{dX}{dt}& &=& \omega I \\ &\frac{dR}{dt}& &=& \mu I - \alpha R \end{aligned}$

$S + E + I + R + X = N,~ I = Q + H$

Apply to our datasets, we have:

$ R = recovered,~ X = deaths,~ I = test\_pos - deaths - recovered,\\ E(t) = I(t+14) - I(t),~ S = N - E - I - R - X,\\ k = 1 - avg(\frac{\Delta hospitalized}{\Delta test\_pos}) $

In [8]:
### run SEIR model on sample data

def SEIR(sample, sample_future, output=True):
    ### differential equations for spi.odeint, INP - initial point, t - time range
    # dS/dt = - lamda*S/N*E - c*lamda*S/N*k*I + alpha*R
    # dE/dt =   lamda*S/N*E + c*lamda*S/N*k*I - sigma*E
    # dI/dt = sigma*E - miu*I - omega*I
    # dX/dt = omega*I
    # dR/dt = miu*I - alpha*R
    def diff_eqs(INP, t, lamda_p, c_p, alpha_p, omega_p, miu_p):
        Y = np.zeros((5))
        V = INP
        Y[0] = - lamda_p*V[0]/N*V[1] - c_p*lamda_p*V[0]/N*k*V[2] + alpha_p*V[4]
        Y[1] =   lamda_p*V[0]/N*V[1] + c_p*lamda_p*V[0]/N*k*V[2] - sigma*V[1]
        Y[2] = sigma*V[1] - miu_p*V[2] - omega_p*V[2]
        Y[3] = omega_p*V[2]
        Y[4] = miu_p*V[2] - alpha_p*V[4]
        return Y

    ### cost function for optimization
    def MSE(params):
        INP = (S[0], E[0], I[0], X[0], R[0])
        t_range = np.arange(0, len(S), 1)
        RES = spi.odeint(diff_eqs, INP, t_range, args=tuple(params))
        mse = 0
        for i in range(len(S)):
            mse += ( (RES[i,0] - S[i]) ) **2
            mse += ( (RES[i,1] - E[i]) ) **2
            mse += ( (RES[i,2] - I[i]) ) **2
            mse += ( (RES[i,3] - X[i]) ) **2
            mse += ( (RES[i,4] - R[i]) ) **2
        mse = mse / len(S)
        return mse
    ### get necessary data from dataset

    cases = np.array(list(sample["cases"])) # test_positive
    cases_future = np.array(list(sample_future["cases"])) # to calculate exposed
    hospitalized = np.array(list(sample["hospitalized"])) # to calculate k
    deaths = np.array(list(sample["deaths"])) # X
    recovered = np.array(list(sample["recovered"])) # R
    N = np.mean(df_state["population"])
    X = deaths
    R = recovered
    I = cases - deaths - recovered
    E = cases_future - cases
    S = N - E - I - X - R

    dS = S[1:] - S[:-1]
    dE = E[1:] - E[:-1]
    dI = I[1:] - I[:-1]
    dX = X[1:] - X[:-1]
    dR = R[1:] - R[:-1]
    S = S[:-1]
    E = E[:-1]
    I = I[:-1]
    X = X[:-1]
    R = R[:-1]
    ### guess params
    # By experience: k, sigma
    k = 1 - np.mean( (hospitalized[1:]-hospitalized[0:-1] +1e-5) / (cases[1:]-cases[:-1] +1e-5) ) # k = deltaH / deltaCases
    sigma = 1/14 # virus incubation period = 14 days
    # From optimization: lamda, c, alpha, omega, miu
    alpha0 = 0.006
    omega0 = np.mean((dX+1e-5) / (I+1e-5)) # dx/dt = omega*i
    c0 = 0.4
    lamda0 = np.mean(- (dS - alpha0*R +1e-5) / (S/N * (E+c0*k*I) +1e-5) ) # dS/dt = - lamda*S/N*(E+ckI) + alpha*R
    miu0 = np.mean((dR + alpha0*R +1e-5) / (I+1e-5)) # dr/dt = miu*i - alpha*r
    ### Optimization to find best params
    params0 = (lamda0, c0, alpha0, omega0, miu0) # lamda, c, alpha, omega, miu
    ret = spo.minimize(MSE, params0, bounds=[(0,1), (0,1), (0,1), (0,1), (0,1)])
    params = ret.x
    params0 = [round(i,8) for i in params0]
    params = [round(i,8) for i in params]
    k = round(k,8)
    sigma = round(sigma,8)
    if output:
        print("Estimated k: ", k, "; sigma: ", sigma)
        print("Optimization for lamda, c, alpha, omega, miu")
        print("params0: ", params0)
        print("params: ", params)
        ### solve ode and plot
        INP = (S[0], E[0], I[0], X[0], R[0])
        t_range = np.arange(0, len(S)*5, 1)
        RES = spi.odeint(diff_eqs, INP, t_range, args=tuple(params))

        plt.plot(RES[:,1], '-b', label='E_predict')
        plt.plot(RES[:,2], '-r', label='I_predict')
        plt.plot(RES[:,3], '-k', label='X_predict')
        plt.plot(RES[:,4], '-g', label='R_predict' )
        plt.plot(E, "xb", label="E_real")
        plt.plot(I, "xr", label="I_real")
        plt.plot(X, "xk", label="X_real")
        plt.plot(R, "xg", label="R_real")

        plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize = 12)
        plt.ylabel('number of people', fontsize = 12)
        plt.title(state + ": " + str(start_date) + " - " + str(end_date), fontsize = 14);
    return params, k, sigma
In [9]:
params = SEIR(sample, sample_future)
Estimated k:  0.70637671 ; sigma:  0.07142857
Optimization for lamda, c, alpha, omega, miu
params0:  [0.0438031, 0.4, 0.006, 0.0058387, 0.01392389]
params:  [0.05296159, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00293508, 0.01087961]
In [ ]:

Example1: California

In [10]:
state = "California"
df_state, _, _ = chooseState(state)
# df_state.sample(5).sort_values("date")
Data complete, ready to analyze.
Suggest choosing start date after 2020-04-02

Everything seems fine (except that jump), then we choose an appropriate time period to analyze

In [11]:
start_date, end_date = "2020-05-15", "2020-05-28"
sample, sample_future = chooseTime(df_state, start_date, end_date)
params = SEIR(sample, sample_future)
Estimated k:  0.95922648 ; sigma:  0.07142857
Optimization for lamda, c, alpha, omega, miu
params0:  [0.04589794, 0.4, 0.006, 0.00087808, 0.00801121]
params:  [0.05080041, 0.40674868, 0.03602983, 0.00090512, 0.01109322]

Example2: New York

In [12]:
state = "New York"
df_state, _, _ = chooseState(state)
# df_state.sample(5).sort_values("date")
Data complete, ready to analyze.
Suggest choosing start date after 2020-03-27

Everything seems fine, then we choose an appropriate time period to analyze.

In [13]:
start_date, end_date = "2020-05-01", "2020-05-14"
sample, sample_future = chooseTime(df_state, start_date, end_date)
params = SEIR(sample, sample_future)
Estimated k:  0.78615074 ; sigma:  0.07142857
Optimization for lamda, c, alpha, omega, miu
params0:  [0.01844098, 0.4, 0.006, 0.00110717, 0.00247924]
params:  [0.04535111, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00049004, 3.011e-05]

Example3: Illinois

In [14]:
state = "Illinois"
df_state, _, _ = chooseState(state)
# df_state.sample(5).sort_values("date")
Data incomplete, cannot analyze.
NA cols:  ['recovered', 'hospitalized']
Suggest choosing start date after 2020-03-17

There are too many missing data (no recovered) for Illinois, we can not analyze now.

Example4: Texas

In [15]:
state = "Texas"
df_state, _, _ = chooseState(state)
# df_state.sample(5).sort_values("date")
Data incomplete, cannot analyze.
NA cols:  ['hospitalized']
Suggest choosing start date after 2020-03-30

The hospitalized data is missing, we may use the average k instead. But we can not analyze now.

In [ ]:

Generate state-time-params data

Now that our SEIR infection model is working, we choose some states of interest and compute the corresponding optimal parameters for further modeling.

In [16]:
StateOfInterest = ["Arizona", "California", "Minnesota", "New Mexico", "New York", 
                   "Oklahoma", "South Carolina", "Tennessee", "Utah", "Virginia", 
                   "West Virginia", "Wisconsin"]

df_SOI = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["state", "startdate", "enddate", "k", "sigma", "lamda", "c", "alpha", "omega", "miu"])

for state in StateOfInterest:
    df_state, _, suggest_startdate = chooseState(state, False)
    # choose 15 days as a period
    if np.datetime64(suggest_startdate,'D') - np.datetime64(suggest_startdate,'M') <= np.timedelta64(14,'D'):
        real_startdate = np.datetime64(suggest_startdate,'M') + np.timedelta64(15,'D')
        real_startdate = np.datetime64(np.datetime64(suggest_startdate,'M') + np.timedelta64(1,'M'), 'D')

    stopdate = np.datetime64("2020-07-01")
    startdate = real_startdate

    while True:
        if startdate > stopdate:
        enddate = startdate + np.timedelta64(14,'D')
        sample, sample_future = chooseTime(df_state, startdate, enddate)
        params = SEIR(sample, sample_future, False)
        df_SOI = df_SOI.append([{"state":state, "startdate":startdate, "enddate":enddate, "k":params[1], "sigma":params[2], "lamda":params[0][0], "c":params[0][1], "alpha":params[0][2], "omega":params[0][3], "miu":params[0][4]}], ignore_index=True)
        if np.datetime64(startdate,'D') - np.datetime64(startdate,'M') <= np.timedelta64(0,'D'):
            startdate = np.datetime64(startdate,'M') + np.timedelta64(15,'D')
            startdate = np.datetime64(np.datetime64(startdate,'M') + np.timedelta64(1,'M'), 'D')
In [17]:
df_SOI.to_csv("datasets/model_out.csv", index=0)
state startdate enddate k sigma lamda c alpha omega miu
33 Oklahoma 2020-05-01 2020-05-15 0.887216 0.071429 0.045002 1.000000 0.001829 0.004176 0.087200
69 Wisconsin 2020-05-16 2020-05-30 0.910097 0.071429 0.058563 0.000000 0.001746 0.000979 0.042943
11 California 2020-07-01 2020-07-15 0.996662 0.071429 0.084383 0.000000 0.018119 0.000356 0.014534
14 Minnesota 2020-05-01 2020-05-15 0.882100 0.071429 0.062203 0.402367 0.013676 0.003407 0.084345
62 West Virginia 2020-04-16 2020-04-30 1.000000 0.071429 0.058654 0.000000 0.000000 0.000952 0.038585
In [ ]: